Buyer’s Agent: A unique service tailored to you

Property search

Help finding properties that match your criteria

Attend viewings

Translation and expert guidance on what to look for


A full report after each viewing detailing what was discussed and some figures


Negotiating the price and contract conditions of your selected property


Helping you right through the closing process, including switching over utility suppliers and help with the tax payment.

Buyer’s Agent service

How does it work?

Our agents will help you with your search for your ideal flat or house. They will organise viewings and attend them, offering both translation and expert insight. After your viewing you will receive a report. Once you find your perfect home, our agents will help you negotiate the best price. From there they will help you with the closing process, right up to the handover, including transferring utilities.

Buyer’s Agent service

How much does it cost?

Full transparency pricing: We ask the seller’s agent for 1% of the sales price. This would eliminate the direct cost to you. If the agent does not agree, we will charge you for our services a fixed cost of CZK 30,000.

Sales & Rentals service

Market knowledge

We provide extensive property research to make sure all of the needs and wants of our clients are met in a simple and professional manner.


With professional photography, accurate floor plans and even virtual tours, the best possible presentation is provided.


We have worked with over 100 agencies in Prague. Keeping in good contact with them, we offer our portfolio to them for cooperation.


We offer our services at very competitive rates, believing the value that we offer customers will help our business grow.

Property Management

ISG provides a very competitive and efficient property management service. Whether you have long or short-term tenancies (including Airbnb), single or multi-occupancy properties, we can provide our services. Our company roots are in property management and our knowledge is second-to-none. We keep our clients readily informed of issues, collect rent accordingly, and all for a low price.
We also provide assistance in all manners of administrative positions. If you need assistance with government offices, taxes filed, advice in the general field of tax or business administration, we can help.

Long-term rental management

Airbnb management

Tax returns

Tax advisory

Read more about ISG

Investment Solutions Group

We'd love to hear from you!

Whether you want to discuss the market, buy, sell, rent, renovate or manage your property, we are available for you. Do not hesitate to click the button below and we will do our best to help you.

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